
The puppies just before they opened their eyes! Just before 2 weeks old

Daisy being a good mommy 

Daisy enjoying some sunshine as the puppies sleep around her

The puppies playing in the grass at 3 weeks old

The puppies at 2 weeks old!

They are just starting to open their eyes!

Sniffing about... starting to get more curious

Daisy and Bosco!

Bosco the dad!

Bosco and my Fiancé, Colm, working hard ;)  

Bosco playing with Daisy as a puppy!

Taking all our older dogs for a swim 

Daisy! posing prettily for you! 

Bosco in the front. Daisy and Rooster in the back

Daisy in the front.  Bosco and Rooster in the back

From left to right, we have Pam (retired heading dog), Rooster (Flye's brown puppy), Flye (one of our border collie work dogs), and Pip (our very old retired heading dog)

Dasher and Rooster

Rudolph and Dasher playing tag

Dasher getting curious around Pip

Rooster, Prancer, Blitzen

Blitzen getting cuddles

Mud day! 

Comet and Blitzen